[ESP] Este es el último anuncio de TriNa que hicimos en The Frank Barton Company hace ya casi un año y aprovechando que lo han subido en su web recientemente os lo comparto por aquí también. Además, os pongo una versión de la animática en 2D con propuestas de acting que hicimos en Blender usando el Grease Pencil entre Rafa Cano y yo durante el tiempo que tuvimos de preproducción para este anuncio.
Espero que os guste :)
[ENG] This is the last TriNa commercial we made in The Frank Barton Company almost a year ago and finally is online in their web page. Additionally, I would like to show you a 2D animatic made with Blender Grease Pencil tool during the pre-production along with Rafa Cano.
Hope you enjoy it :)
Espero que os guste :)
[ENG] This is the last TriNa commercial we made in The Frank Barton Company almost a year ago and finally is online in their web page. Additionally, I would like to show you a 2D animatic made with Blender Grease Pencil tool during the pre-production along with Rafa Cano.
Hope you enjoy it :)