Photos by Echisel

[ESP] Este es el tarjetón de boda que hice hace un tiempo para mis buenos amigos Isa y Jose que se casan dentro de poco. Me pidieron que hiciera una caricatura de ellos en el momento en el que él le pidió matrimonio en la Plaza de la Virgen de Valencia. Están contentísimos con los resultados. Espero que os guste al resto :)
[ENG] This is the wedding card I made some time ago for my good friends Isa and Jose who are getting married in October. They wanted a cartoon of them in the middle of the square of the Virgin of Valencia, where he proposed to her. They are delighted with the results. Hope you like it :)
[ENG] This is the wedding card I made some time ago for my good friends Isa and Jose who are getting married in October. They wanted a cartoon of them in the middle of the square of the Virgin of Valencia, where he proposed to her. They are delighted with the results. Hope you like it :)